Our Story

Black Sheep as a brand, is rooted in community building through fashion and clothes, which resonated with our Creative Director, Tarish Trivedi, from a young age. As a history student at NYU whose heart was set on Design, the city and its eccentricity helped him form an opinion on style and how to blur the lines between casual and formal. Without formal training and remaining wholly self-taught, the nascent designer began to emerge.

Our name was chosen to help define the abstract feeling fashion offered: a swelling sea of self-diagnosed outcasts who thrive on style as an extension of their personalities.

Our goal is to deliver high quality garments, which are versatile in their style and classic in their silhouettes; inspired by the luxury of the World's greatest cities and the tranquility that lies on their borders.

All our garments are designed and created in India but inspired by global phenomena, which we are all so inexorably linked with in this Digital Age.

Let us embrace what makes us all different and strive to stand out, rather than apart.

Stay rare.

Break out of patterns.

Be a Black Sheep.